
Lately, I have noticed a trend at my high school that has seem to be sweeping straight white boys by storm everywhere: Meninism. Autocorrect disagree’s with me that meninism isn’t a word, but I know for a fact it is! IF WOMEN CAN HAVE A WORD FOR THEIR GENDER LIKE FEMINISM WHY CAN’T MY GENDER HAVE ONE.

well, ignorant boys everywhere , feminism isn’t specifically gender based. Feminism strives for the economical, social, and political rights of both of the sexes. Feminism isn’t about women trying to “challenge” your masculinity, it’s simply gaining the equality everyone now-a-days so rightfully deserves.

Feminism is a word. It’s a good thing. Feminism is needed so young girls don’t grow up feeling like their bodies are objects of affection and lust, instead of anatomy and body parts that they control. Feminism is about wearing as much make up as you want, or not, without being called a slut or a prude. Feminism is teaching men that they shouldn’t rape women instead of telling women not to drink any drink given to you by a guy. Feminism is starting to become a war instead of lesson. In the Middle East, young girls are forced into marriage and raped, some until death. Feminism aims to stop that, peacefully as possible.

Wearing a meninist shirt doesn’t make you look cool, and the only attention you are drawing from most is disgust. You are blatantly standing up to the rights of women everywhere and telling them basically that their opinion, and hard work is useless and inferior. It’s disgusting because these men, and even some women are ignorant enough to judge something so beautiful as feminism and trash it. Feminism is about ending inequities in our economy, social, and political rights. It’s about saving lives in places where being born as a women barricades you to follow a strict life style where punishment is severe, even deadly. Feminism is a wonderful, beautiful concept. It’s the right to become a society where living your life as a man or a woman is a wonderful experience. So, please stop wearing your ignorant “meninist” shirts in pride to prove some kind of meaningless point to women. It’s repulsing, and mocking woman isn’t exactly attractive so you’re not only losing your dignity, but probably that girl you’ve had a crush on since freshman year. Why degrade women when you can stand by their side and fight with them for justice? That’s about the most masculine thing you can do for a woman if you ask me.

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